Power System Simulations for Nigeria

Siemens Power Technologies International (Siemens PTI) offers a holistic approach to mastering the technical and economical challenges of today’s and future energy systems. Drawing upon more than 60 years of experience and continuous innovations in power system planning, Siemens PTI will develop innovative solutions which create sustainable value for the PPI.

The PTI Package for the PPI is split into 2 main workstreams, Power System Simulation (PSS) for Nigeria, and System Development Studies.

Power System Simulation (PSS) for Nigeria

  • PSS Software Licenses can be described as the acquisition of software licenses for each utility, plus selected stakeholders. There will be an adequate scope and number of licenses for transmission, sub-transmission, and distribution network planning and operations teams.
    • Siemens will install the basis for state-of-the-art and integrated system planning.

  • PSS Software Maintenance & Support will cover all software licenses for the 4-year project duration.
    • This will involve the localization of first-level support in Siemens Nigeria; local user groups and forums and consist of regular software updates.

  • PSS Software Training for network planning engineers of all utilities (staff selection by utilities). The execution of training with content tailored to specific situations in Nigeria.
    • Siemens will coordinate the theoretical and practical training on general use and methodologies.

  • Coaching/Consulting Support on PSS software implementation and use (for a 5-year period)
    • This will consist of individual workshops and sessions with network operators focusing on system modeling and execution of typical use cases and investigations into detailed topics in system operation and planning.

System Development Studies

System Development Studies for Phases II and III of the Nigeria electrification Roadmap will be conducted to increase system peak operating capacity, improvement of supply reliability, derivation of necessary investment measures for short, medium, and long-term network development.

  • Transmission Network: Study on system development by Siemens PTI with support of TCN.
  • Study of 33 kV sub-transmission Network: Study on system development by Siemens PTI with support of DisCos.
  • Distribution Networks: Selected pilot studies by Siemens PTI with support of DisCos

PPI Projects

Niger Delta Power Holding (NDPHC) Building 1490, Samuel Ademulegun Avenue,
Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria

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