
Learn More about Our Partners on the PPI Project

The Presidential Power Initiative’s success is contingent on a wide variety of stakeholders collaborating to fulfill interlocking responsibilities. FGN Power Company serves as the nucleus, coordinating all stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of the PPI.

Project Financiers

Our financiers provide trade insurance protection, transaction, and legal advisory services, debt financing, loans, sovereign guarantee for international financing to ensure that all stakeholders have the required support to deliver our mandate.

Euler Hermes

Central Bank of Nigeria
Technical Implementers

Our technical implementers collaborate with us to ensure successful and timely execution of PPI projects in Transmission, Distribution, National Metering Systems (MDMS), Power Stimulations for Nigeria, and capacity development.

Simens Energy Logo
Regulatory Agencies

FGN Power Company works with relevant regulatory agencies for approval of project selections, importation of goods and services, procurement contracts, and environmental reviews.

Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission
Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency
Bureau of Public Procurement
Project Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the PPI will manage the completed projects, ensure repayment of loans and efficient service delivery to the Nigerian public who are the electricity consumers.

Niger Delta Power Holding (NDPHC) Building 1490, Samuel Ademulegun Avenue,
Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria

Explore the PPI

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