Mission, Vision & Values


To address infrastructural gaps by investing in end-to-end solutions that will deliver reliable, incremental energy to Nigeria’s industrial clusters, commercial hubs, SMEs, and households. FGN Power Company (FGNPC) is dedicated to driving economic revitalisation. Through innovative strategies and collaborative efforts with key stakeholders, we ensure consistent, dependable, and affordable electricity for all.

FGNPC Sub-Station
Staff of FGNPC

FGN Power Company's Mandate

“To provide reliable and constant power supply (25GW of power generation capacity) in Nigeria.”

With the ambitious goals of the PPI, FGN Power Company is committed to rapidly and effectively coordinating key stakeholders to deliver a robust pipeline of projects that will power Nigeria’s economic growth and prosperity.

Our Core Values

We are focused and driven to effect major impacts in the Power and Infrastructure industry in Nigeria.

Transparency: Transparent prioritization of projects based on technical feasibility and a holistic view of value chain improvement through governance and partnerships.

Sustainability: High-quality, long-lasting solutions for distribution and transmission networks implemented by knowledgeable experts within the project management team.

Professionalism: high standards and industry codes for the NESI- following due diligence.

Integrity: Diligent oversight and documentation of funds disbursement to avoid misuse, and ensure that project funds are used for the intended purpose.

Efficiency: Making decisions to ensure FGN Power Company manages and coordinates key stakeholders for cohesion and seamless implementation of the projects.

Our Mission

Our mission at FGN Power Company is to; Secure Financing, Foster effective coordination among stakeholders and enter into efficient commercial and contractual arrangements, Deliver transformative PPI projects that will revolutionise Nigeria's power sector, enhancing the quality of life for every Nigerian

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI) to achieve commercial autonomy. By facilitating critical infrastructure investments, we aim to optimise service delivery for industrial clusters, commercial hubs, SMEs, and households, ensuring a brighter, more prosperous future for Nigeria.

PPI Will Increase Power Generation Capacity to 25GW!

Learn more about the 4 major workstreams in the implementation of the PPI.

Niger Delta Power Holding (NDPHC) Building 1490, Samuel Ademulegun Avenue,
Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria

Copyright © 2023 FGN Power Company