Who we are

A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), mandated to implement the Presidential Power Initiative (PPI).  FGNPC’s mission is to address infrastructural gaps by investing in end-to-end solutions that will deliver reliable, incremental energy to customers in Nigeria.

What is FGNPC

FGN Power Company (FGNPC) is the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), mandated to implement the Presidential Power Initiative (PPI) with Siemens Energy and Siemens AG serving as the technical partner. To successfully imeplement the PPI, FGNPC needs to secure financing, effectively coordinate stakeholders and enter into efficient commercial and contractual arrangements.

The PPI was set up to address infrastructure gaps by investing in end-to-end solutions that will deliver reliable, incremental energy to customers in Nigeria. It is a complex project that requires significant stakeholder coordination, commercial arrangements and technical requirements.
Supported by the German Government, various Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) companies, financiers, regulators, and agencies, FGNPC plays a pivotal role in driving Nigeria’s power sector transformation.

The PPI will be implemented in three-phases with the goal to modernize and expand the power grid (transmission, distribution and generation).

  • Phase 1 focuses on “quick-win” measures to increase operational capacity to 7 GW end-to-end.
  • Phase 2 aims to increase the capacity of the transmission and distribution systems to allow for evacuation of up to 11 GW of electricity to end-users.
  • Phase 3 aims to increase the capacity of the power grid to 25 GW by expanding generation, systems of transmission and distribution.

Mission & Vision

The Presidential Power Initiative (PPI) has four guiding principles by which it operates, which are Transparency, Integrity, Sustainability, and Efficiency.


The Board of Directors and Management of FGN Power Company play a critical role within the PPI to ensure that the project achieves its objectives.


FGN Power Company has five layers of oversight and execution: the Steering Committee, the Board of Directors, the Executive Management, and the Staff.

Niger Delta Power Holding (NDPHC) Building 1490, Samuel Ademulegun Avenue,
Central Business District, Abuja, Nigeria

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